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FIVE Skin Pigment Lasers

Removes Age Spots, Blemishes, and pigments with five lasers at the same time!

GENESIS + PICO TONING + TONURV + ND Yag + Helium Neon Lasers
Pigments in different positions
Epidermis / Pigment of skin / Derma / Subcutaneous Fat
“Real Treatment” must be treated with Various Wavelengths

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anti-aging/ regeneration/ collagen/skin tone/bright skin/ blemish
  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    If you want confidence,
    With five lasers

    • #JFEEL Clinic #five lasers
      #different from person to person #a pigment layer
      #Let's solve it in five ways
  • jfeelbeautyclinic

    With five different lasers.
    Bright, bright feeling!
    blemish-free skin

    • #JFEEL Clinic #five lasers
      #by skin layer #Only the pigment
      #Bright skin is from Jfeel

Good treatments to get together

  • Rejuran Healer

    Elasticity from the inside of the skin

  • Thread Lift

    Create a V-line by pulling the skin using a safe melting thread

  • Oligio

    Oligio lifting that reduces pain and increases elasticity

  • Pore

    JFEEL Pore Care for sensitive skin